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Optical Activity

5.7 Optical Activity
Enantiomers share many of the same properties—they have the same boiling points,
the same melting points, and the same solubilities. In fact, all the physical properties
of enantiomers are the same except those that stem from how groups bonded to the
asymmetric carbon are arranged in space. One of the properties that enantiomers do
not share is the way they interact with polarized light.
What is polarized light? Normal light consists of electromagnetic waves that oscillate
in all directions. Plane-polarized light (or simply polarized light), in contrast, oscillates
only in a single plane passing through the path of propagation. Polarized light
is produced by passing normal light through a polarizer such as a polarized lens or a
Nicol prism.

You experience the effect of a polarized lens with polarized sunglasses. Polarized
sunglasses allow only light oscillating in a single plane to pass through them, so they
block reflections (glare) more effectively than nonpolarized sunglasses.
In 1815, the physicist Jean-Baptiste Biot discovered that certain naturally occurring
organic substances such as camphor and oil of turpentine are able to rotate the plane of
polarization. He noted that some compounds rotated the plane of polarization clockwise
and others counterclockwise, while some did not rotate the plane of polarization
at all. He predicted that the ability to rotate the plane of polarization was attributable to
some asymmetry in the molecules. Van’t Hoff and Le Bel later determined that the
molecular asymmetry was associated with compounds having one or more asymmetric
When polarized light passes through a solution of achiral molecules, the light
emerges from the solution with its plane of polarization unchanged. An achiral compound
does not rotate the plane of polarization. It is However, when polarized light passes through a solution of a chiral compound, the
light emerges with its plane of polarization changed. Thus, a chiral compound rotates
the plane of polarization. A chiral compound will rotate the plane of polarization
clockwise or counterclockwise. If one enantiomer rotates the plane of polarization
clockwise, its mirror image will rotate the plane of polarization exactly the same
amount counterclockwise.optically inactive.

A compound that rotates the plane of polarization is said to be optically active. In
other words, chiral compounds are optically active and achiral compounds are
optically inactive.
If an optically active compound rotates the plane of polarization clockwise, it is
called dextrorotatory, indicated by(-) If an optically active compound rotates the
plane of polarization counterclockwise, it is called levorotatory, indicated by(-)
Dextro(+) and levo( -)are Latin prefixes for “to the right” and “to the left,” respectively.
Sometimes lowercase d and l are used instead of and
Do not confuse and with R and S. The and symbols indicate the direction
in which an optically active compound rotates the plane of polarization, whereas
R and S indicate the arrangement of the groups about an asymmetric carbon. Some
compounds with the R configuration are and some are
The degree to which an optically active compound rotates the plane of polarization
can be measured with an instrument called a polarimeter.

amount of rotation will vary with the wavelength of the light used, the light source for
a polarimeter must produce monochromatic (single wavelength) light. Most polarimeters
use light from a sodium arc (called the sodium D-line; wavelength ). In
a polarimeter, monochromatic light passes through a polarizer and emerges as polarized
light. The polarized light then passes through an empty sample tube (or one filled
with an optically inactive solvent) and emerges with its plane of polarization unchanged.
The light then passes through an analyzer. The analyzer is a second polarizer
mounted on an eyepiece with a dial marked in degrees. When using a polarimeter, the
analyzer is rotated until the user’s eye sees total darkness. At this point the analyzer is
at a right angle to the first polarizer, so no light passes through. This analyzer setting
corresponds to zero rotation.
The sample to be measured is then placed in the sample tube. If the sample is optically
active, it will rotate the plane of polarization. The analyzer will no longer block
all the light, so light reaches the user’s eye. The user then rotates the analyzer again
until no light passes through. The degree to which the analyzer is rotated can be read
from the dial and represents the difference between an optically inactive sample and
the optically active sample. This is called the observed rotation it is measured in
degrees. The observed rotation depends on the number of optically active molecules
the light encounters in the sample. This, in turn, depends on the concentration of the
sample and the length of the sample tube. The observed rotation also depends on the
temperature and the wavelength of the light source.
Each optically active compound has a characteristic specific rotation. The specific
rotation is the number of degrees of rotation caused by a solution of 1.0 g of the compound
per mL of solution in a sample tube 1.0 dm long at a specified temperature and
wavelength. The specific rotation can be calculated from the observed rotation using
the following formula:
 Measuring Optical Activity
When rotation is quantified using a polarimeter it is known as an observed rotation, because rotation is affected by path length (l, the time the light travels through a sample) and concentration (c, how much of the sample is present that will rotate the light).  When these effects are eliminated a standard for comparison of all molecules is obtained, the specific rotation, [a].
[a] = 100a / cl    when concentration is expressed as g sample /100ml solution
Specific rotation is a physical property like the boiling point of a sample and can be looked up in reference texts.    Take a look at are problem Enantiomers will rotate the plane of polarisation in exactly equal amounts (same magnitude) but in opposite directions.
Dextrorotary designated as d or (+), clockwise rotation (to the right)
Levorotary designated as l or (-), anti-clockwise rotation (to the left)
If only one enantiomer is present a sample is considered to be optically pure.  When a sample consists of a mixture of enantiomers, the effect of each enantiomer cancels out, molecule for molecule.
For example, a 50:50 mixture of two enantiomers or a racemic mixture will not rotate plane polarised light and is optically inactive.  A mixture that contains one enantiomer excess, however, will display a net plane of polarisation in the direction characteristic of the enantiomer that is in excess.
Determining Optical Purity
The optical purity or the enantiomeric excess (ee%) of a sample can be determined as follows:
Optical purity = % enantiomeric excess = % enantiomer1 - % enantiomer2
                     = 100 [
a]mixture / [a]pure sample
ee%  =  100 ([major enantiomer] - [minor enantiomer]) / ([major enantiomer] + [minor enantiomer])
where [major enantiomer] = concentration of the major enantiomer
          [minor enantiomer] = concentration of the minor enantiomer
Diasteromeric substances can have different rotations both in sign and in magnitude. 

where is the specific rotation; T is temperature in °C; is the wavelength of the incident
light (when the sodium D-line is used, is indicated as D); is the observed rotation;
l is the length of the sample tube in decimeters; and c is the concentration of the
sample in grams per milliliter of solution.
For example, one enantiomer of 2-methyl-1-butanol has been found to have a specific
rotation of Because its mirror image rotates the plane of polarization the
same amount but in the opposite direction, the specific rotation of the other enantiomer
must be
The observed rotation of 2.0 g of a compound in 50 mL of solution in a polarimeter tube
50-cm long is What is the specific rotation of the compound?
Knowing whether a chiral molecule has the R or the S configuration does not tell us
the direction the compound rotates the plane of polarization, because some compounds
with the R configuration rotate the plane to the right and some rotate the
plane to the left We can tell by looking at the structure of a compound whether it
has the R or the S configuration, but the only way we can tell whether a compound is
+or –
Optical Purity and Enantiomeric Excess
Whether a particular sample consists of a single enantiomer or a mixture of enantiomers
can be determined by its observed specific rotation. For example, an enantiomerically
pure sample—meaning only one enantiomer is present—of (S)- -2-bromobutane will
have an observed specific rotation of because the specific rotation of (S)- -
2-bromobutane is If, however, the sample of 2-bromobutane has an observed
specific rotation of 0°, we will know that the compound is a racemic mixture. If the observed
specific rotation is positive but less than we will know that we have a
mixture of enantiomers and the mixture contains more of the enantiomer with the S configuration
than the enantiomer with the R configuration. From the observed specific rotation,
we can calculate the optical purity (op) of the mixture.
optical purity = observed specific rotation/
specific rotation of the pure enantiomer


1.0 Morrison. Robert. T, and Boyd. Robert. N, "Organic Chemistry (6th ed)". Prentice-Hall Inc
1.1 (1992).Crocker,Ernest C (1992).Application of the Octet Theory To Single-Ring Aromatic Compounds
1.2 Macmurry,John(2007).Organic Chemistry(7th edition).Brooks-Cole
1.3   Organic Chemistry. Marc Loudon, 3rd edition The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company,Inc., California, 1995.
1.4  Organic Chemistry. John MucMurry. 3rd edition. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1992

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