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Developmental biology

Gamete Production in Angiosperms
Like those of mosses and ferns, angiosperm gametes are produced by the gametophyte
generation. Angiosperm gametophytes are associated with flowers. The gametes they produce
join to form the sporophyte. The study of embryonic development in plants is therefore the study
of early sporophyte development. In angiosperms, the sporophyte is what is commonly seen as
the plant body. The shoot meristem of the sporophyte produces a series of vegetative structures.
At a certain point in development, internal and external signals trigger a shift from vegetative to
reproductive (flower-producing) development (see reviews by McDaniel et al. 1992 and Levy and
Dean 1998). Once the meristem becomes floral, it initiates the development of floral parts
sequentially in whorls of organs modified from leaves . The first and second whorls
become sepals and petals, respectively; these organs are sterile. The pollen-producing stamens
are initiated in the third whorl of the flower. The carpel in the fourth whorl contains the female
gametophyte. The stamens contain four groups of cells, called the microsporangia (pollen sacs),
within an anther. The microsporangia undergo meiosis to produce microspores. Unlike most
ferns, angiosperms are heterosporous, so the prefix micro is used to identify the spores that
mitotically yield the male gametophytes pollen grains. The inner wall of the pollen sac, the
tapetum, provides nourishment for the developing pollen.

The pollen grain is an extremely simple multicellular structure. The outer wall of the pollen grain,
the exine, is composed of resistant material provided by both the tapetum (sporophyte generation)
and the microspore (gametophyte generation). The inner wall, the intine, is produced by the
microspore. A mature pollen grain consists of two cells, one within the other  The tube cell contains a generative cell within it. The generative cell divides to produce two sperm.
The tube cell nucleus guides pollen germination and the growth of the pollen tube after the pollen
lands on the stigma of a female gametophyte. One of the two sperm will fuse with the egg cell to
produce the next sporophyte generation. The second sperm will participate in the formation of the
endosperm, a structure that provides nourishment for the embryo.

The ovary
The fourth whorl of organs within the flower forms the carpel, which gives rise to the female
gametophyte  The carpel consists of the stigma (where the pollen lands), the style,
and the ovary. Following fertilization, the ovary wall will develop into the fruit. This unique
angiosperm structure provides further protection for the developing embryo and also enhances
seed dispersal by frugivores (fruit-eating animals). Within the ovary are one or more ovules
attached by a placenta to the ovary wall. Fully developed ovules are called seeds. The ovule has
one or two outer layers of cells called the integuments. These enclose the megasporangium,
which contains sporophyte cells that undergo meiosis to produce megaspores 
There is a small opening in the integuments, called the micropyle, through which the pollen tube
will grow. The integuments an innovation first appearing in the gymnosperms develop into
the seed coat, which protects the embryo by providing a waterproof physical barrier. When the
mature embryo disperses from the parent plant, diploid sporophyte tissue accompanies the
embryo in the form of the seed coat and the fruit.
Within the ovule, meiosis and unequal cytokinesis yield four megaspores. The largest of these
megaspores undergoes three mitotic divisions to produce a seven-celled embryo sac with eight
nuclei. One of these cells is the egg. The two synergid cells surrounding the egg
may be evolutionary remnants of the archegonium (the female sex organ seen in mosses and
ferns). The central cell contains two or more polar nuclei, which will fuse with the second sperm
nucleus and develop into the polyploid endosperm. Three antipodal cells form at the opposite
end of the embryo sac from the synergids and degenerate before or during embryonic
development. There is no known function for the antipodals. Genetic analyses of female
gametophyte development in maize and Arabidopsis* are providing insight into the regulation of
the specific steps in this process (Drews et al. 1998).
*A small weed in the mustard family, Arabidopsis is used as a model system because of its very
small genome.

Pollination refers to the landing and subsequent germination of the pollen on the stigma. Hence it
involves an interaction between the gametophytic generation of the male (the pollen) and the
sporophytic generation of the female (the stigmatic surface of the carpel). Pollination can occur
within a single flower (self-fertilization), or pollen can land on a different flower on the same or a
different plant. About 96% of flowering plant species produce male and female gametophytes on
the same plant. However, about 25% of these produce two different types of flowers on the same
plant, rather than perfect flowers containing both male and female gametophytes. Staminate
flowers lack carpels, while carpellate flowers lack stamens. Maize plants, for example, have
staminate (tassel) and carpellate (ear) flowers on the same plant. Such species are considered to
be monoecious (Greek mono, "one"; oecos, "house"). The remaining 4% of species (e.g.,
willows) produce staminate and carpellate flowers on separate plants . These species are
considered to be dioecious ("two houses"). Only a few plant species have true sex chromosomes.
The terms "male" and "female" are most correctly applied only to the gametophyte generation of
heterosporous plants, not to the sporophyte (Cruden and Lloyd 1995).
The arrival of a viable pollen grain on a receptive stigma does not guarantee fertilization.
Interspecific incompatibility refers to the failure of pollen from one species to germinate and/or
grow on the stigma of another species (for a review, see Taylor 1996). Intraspecific
incompatibility is incompatibility that occurs within a species. Self-incompatibility
incompatibility between the pollen and the stigmas of the same individual is an example of
intraspecific incompatibility. Self-incompatibility blocks fertilization between two genetically
similar gametes, increasing the probability of new gene combinations by promoting outcrossing
(pollination by a different individual of the same species). Groups of closely related plants can
contain a mix of self-compatible and self-incompatible species.
Several different self-incompatibility systems have evolved . Recognition of self
depends on the multiallelic self-incompatibility (S) locus (Nasrallah et al. 1994; Dodds et al.
1996; Gaude and McCormick 1999). Gametophytic self-incompatibility occurs when the S allele
of the pollen grain matches either of the S alleles of the stigma (remember that the stigma is part
of the diploid sporophyte generation, which has two S alleles). In this case, the pollen tube begins
developing, but stops before reaching the micropyle. Sporophytic self-incompatibility occurs
when one of the two S alleles of the pollen-producing sporophyte (not the gametophyte) matches
one of the S alleles of the stigma. Most likely, sporophyte contributions to the exine are
The S locus consists of several physically linked genes that regulate recognition and rejection of
pollen. An S gene has been cloned that codes for an RNase called S RNase, which is sufficient, in
the gametophytically self-incompatible petunia pistil, to recognize and reject self-pollen (Lee et
al. 1994). The pollen component recognized is most likely a different gene in the S locus, but has
not yet been identified in either gametophytically or sporophytically self-incompatible plants. In
sporophytic self-incompatibility, a ligand on the pollen is thought to bind to a membrane-bound
kinase receptor in the stigma that starts a signaling process leading to pollen rejection. The
mechanism of pollen degradation is unclear, but appears to be highly specific.
If the pollen and the stigma are compatible, the pollen takes up water (hydrates) and the pollen
tube emerges. The pollen tube grows down the style of the carpel toward the micropyle (Figure
20.10). The tube nucleus and the sperm cells are kept at the growing tip by bands of callose (a
complex carbohydrate). It is possible that this may be an exception to the "plant cells do not
move" rule, as the generative cell(s) appear to move ahead via adhesive molecules (Lord et al.
1996). Pollen tube growth is quite slow in gymnosperms (up to a year), while in some
angiosperms the tube can grow as rapidly as 1 cm/hour.
Calcium has long been known to play an essential role in pollen tube growth (Brewbaker and
Kwack 1963). Calcium accumulates in the tip of the pollen tubes, where open calcium channels
are concentrated (Jaffe et al. 1975; Trewavas and Malho 1998). There is direct evidence that
pollen tube growth in the field poppy is regulated by a slow-moving calcium wave controlled by
the phosphoinositide signaling pathway (Figure 20.11; Franklin-Tong et al. 1996). Cytoskeletal
investigations show that organelle positioning during pollen tube growth depends on interactions
with cytoskeletal components. This must link to signaling, but the specifics are still unknown (Cai
and Cresti 1999).
Genetic approaches have been useful in investigating how the growing pollen tube is guided
toward unfertilized ovules. In Arabidopsis, the pollen tube appears to be guided by a longdistance
signal from the ovule (Hulskamp et al. 1995; Wilhelmi and Preuss 1999). Analysis of
pollen tube growth in ovule mutants of Arabidopsis indicates that the haploid embryo sac is
particularly important in the long-range guidance of pollen tube growth. Mutants with defective
sporophyte tissue in the ovule but a normal haploid embryo sac appear to stimulate normal pollen
tube development.
While the evidence points primarily to the role of the gametophyte generation in pollen tube
guidance, diploid cells may make some contribution. Two Arabidopsis genes, POP2 and POP3,
have been identified that specifically guide pollen tubes to the ovule with no other apparent effect
on the plant (Wilhelmi and Preuss 1996, 1999). These genes function in both the pollen and the
pistil, thus implicating the sporophyte generation in the guidance system

The growing pollen tube enters the embryo sac through the micropyle and grows through one of
the synergids. The two sperm cells are released, and a double fertilization event occurs (see
review by Southworth 1996). One sperm cell fuses with the egg, producing the zygote that will
develop into the sporophyte. The second sperm cell fuses with the bi- or multinucleate central
cell, giving rise to the endosperm, which nourishes the developing embryo. This second event is
not true fertilization in the sense of male and female gametes undergoing syngamy (fusion). That
is, it does not result in a zygote, but in nutritionally supportive tissue. (When you eat popcorn,
you are eating "popped" endosperm.) The other accessory cells in the embryo sac degenerate after
The zygote of the angiosperm produces only a single embryo; the zygote of the gymnosperm, on
the other hand, produces two or more embryos after cell division begins, by a process known as
cleavage embryogenesis. Double fertilization, first identified a century ago, is generally restricted
to the angiosperms, but it has also been found in the gymnosperms Ephedra and Gnetum,
although no endosperm forms. Friedman (1998) has suggested that endosperm may have evolved
from a second zygote "sacrificed" as a food supply in a gymnosperm with double fertilization.
Investigations of the most closely related extant relative of the basal angiosperm, Amborella,
should provide information on the evolutionary origin of the endosperm 
Fertilization is not an absolute prerequisite for angiosperm embryonic development (Mogie
1992). Embryos can form within embryo sacs from haploid eggs and from cells that did not
divide meiotically. This phenomenon is called apomixis (Greek, "without mixing"), and results in
viable seeds. The viability of the resulting haploid sporophytes indicates that ploidy alone does
not account for the morphological distinctions between the gametophyte and the sporophyte.
Embryos can also develop from cultured sporophytic tissue. These embryos develop with no
associated endosperm, and they lack a seed coat

Embryonic Development
Experimental studies
The angiosperm zygote is embedded within the ovule and ovary and thus is not readily accessible
for experimental manipulation. The following approaches, however, can yield information on the
formation of the plant embryo:
Histological studies of embryos at different stages show how carefully regulated cell
division results in the construction of an organism, even without the ability to move cells and
tissues to shape the embryo.
Culture experiments using embryos isolated from ovules and embryos developing de novo
from cultured sporophytic tissue provide information on the interactions between the embryo and
surrounding sporophytic and endosperm tissue.
In vitro fertilization experiments provide information on gamete interactions.
Biochemical analyses of embryos at different stages of development provides information
on such things as the stage-specific gene products necessary for patterning and establishing food
Genetic and molecular analyses of developmental mutants characterized using the above
approaches have greatly enhanced our understanding of embryonic development.
Clonal analysis involves marking individual cells and following their fate in development
(see Poethig 1987 for details on the methodology). For example, seeds heterozygous for a
pigmentation gene may be irradiated so that a certain cell loses the ability to produce pigment. Its
descendants will form a colorless sector that can be identified and related to the overall body

  • Bakker,Robert.(1978).dinosaur feeding behaviour and orgin of flowering plant.Macimillan london
  • Stevens.P.F.(2011).Angiosperm phylogeny Website (at missouri botanical Garden)
  • Dutta, A.C. 1999. Botany for Degree Students. Oxford     University Press, Calcuta.
  • Pandey, SN; Trivedi, PS and Misra, SP. 1996. A text book of botany. Vol I. Vikas Publishing House PVT ltd.
  • Pandey, SN; Trivedi, PS and Misra, SP. 1998. A text book of botany. 11th revised Edition Vol II. Vikas Publishing House PVT ltd.
  • Jensen, WA & Salisbury, FB. Botany: An ecological Approach. Wadsworth Publishing Company inc., California.
  • Gorge B. Johnson 2000. The living world. Second edition
  • Murray W. Nabors 2004. Introduction to Botany. Pearson Benjamin Cummings. University of Mississippi
  • Berg, LR. 1997. Introductory Botany: Plants, People and the Environment. St Pettersburg Junior college.

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